Scripture Reading - Genesis 2:21-23 KJV

(21) And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
(22) And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
(23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Here we have the first recorded surgery known to mankind. The Lord’s anesthesia is known as deep sleep in verse 21. Just like when doctors use anesthesia in the medical profession to put patients under (motionless) while they are preforming their surgery God also used His tool of deep sleep to render Adam motionless while God created the woman. One thing that is miraculous about the working of God is that His divine surgery actually created something wonderfully new from the very substance that pre-existed. In verse 21 the statement that the Lord took only “one of Adam’s ribs” and the term in verse 22 that states “the rib” both indicate that this rib was a key (or chief, major, primary, etc…) rib. The emphasis on the taking of a “rib” reveals that God took an integral part of man. It is believed that this removed rib left a lasting impression on Adam so much so that he now realized that he was lacking something in God that could only be fulfilled in Eve. We notice that right after God made the woman He (The Lord) brought her to the man. This shows us that God knows how to bring good things to us, without us trying to go out and chase them down. The key is realizing that God knows exactly where you are and He also knows exactly what (or whom) you need. We never have to worry (or wonder) about God being faithful to bless us with His perfect will for our life because He most certainly will do His part to arrange for His divine appointments. Just remember while we are yet sleeping God is faithful to prepare our blessing when we yield to His rest. This thought helps us understand the last statement from verse 22 which is “He (the Lord) brought her unto the man”. With that being understood it is obvious that she (the woman) must be willing to be led by God. It really doesn’t matter how much a good man may want a good woman that same man must first learn that his desired helpmeet must be led by the Spirit of God first before she can truly be a blessing to him. This brings us to verse 23 which has the key statement we (ihlcc) are writing about today. That statement “Bone of my Bones” is consistent with only “one of Adam’s ribs and the description “the rib”. How is it that Adam knew what was missing inside of this body after the surgery was all over. We (ihlcc) submit to you that Adam knew what had happened to him because a piece (a part, a portion) of his heart was removed by God and placed into Eve. Yes, the phrase “bone of my bones” is basically saying the woman is the “heart of my heart” or we could say the “spirit of my spirit”. We all know that the core being of a person is their heart so now that woman was placed in the earth to help God’s man, she gained the honor (ascendancy) of being his (the man’s) sole desire and affection. Just like the ribs are designed to protect your vital organs man’s heart must now protect his wife. Since ribs are connected to spine they are intended to be strong and stable in their set position the man should bring inner strength and environmental stability (shelter from the storms, a home) to his wife. Did not the Lord say in Malachi 2:15 that He made them both one from the residue of His (God’s) Holy Spirit so that they could have holy children. So although she is physically a key “bone of his bones” and flesh of his flesh, she is more importantly a reflection (a portion) of his spirit made in the image and likeness of God’s Spirit. Amen!